Jasper National Park is a mountain park with all the weather attributes that are expected in a mountain climate. The weather can change rapidly at all times of the year. The valleys and the mountains can create their own micro weather conditions as each day progresses. As a rule you can expect a 100C difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. The general conditions for each of the four seasons are listed below.

  • Spring comes to the valley bottom in April and reaches the high country by June with mild days and cool nights. It brings wildflowers and gushing rivers, which make it the ideal time for rafting.
  • Summer days are temperate and long, with the sun setting late and rising early. July is the warmest month, with temperatures around 22.5°C.
  • Fall comes in September and October, bringing beautiful autumn colours, clear skies, cool days and frosty nights. Fall weather conditions are fabulous for hiking, biking, star-gazing, and, for those who are tolerant of cooler temperatures, camping.
  • Winter brings cold, snowy weather that can quickly change to warmer Chinook winds and Alberta sunshine. Winter temperatures vary, but January is usually the coldest month with temperatures rarely rising higher than -8°C.

For a look at current weather conditions and detailed information about Jasper weather take a look at the following websites.

Environment Canada Website

Marmot Basin Mountain Report